Saturday, November 19, 2011

Buenos Aires: The Very Beginning

Buenos Aires! Besides the scare I had about not being able to board my plane in Los Angeles, my travel was pretty smooth. The 24+ hours of travel was much less daunting than I thought it would be. The flight from Miami to Buenos Aires was quite pleasant actually. I flew on LAN airlines. The plane was spacious, I had movies to watch, two decent meals.... they even passed out ear plugs and eye covers. Both of which helped immensely with my sleep. I had booked a shuttle to the hostel... the driver was a friendly chap who did not speak English. We smoked cigarettes and had funny conversations with his limited English and my limited Spanish. The drive to the hostel was about 45 minutes and full of insanity. The traffic and drivers in Buenos Aires are crazy! There seems to be no rhyme or reason at all. People zoom around both in cars and on motorbikes, and cut each other off like crazy. There also seems to be very little attention paid to making or sticking to, actual lanes of traffic. It's a fast-moving and frightening hodge podge of a system. seems to work somehow, which is miraculous!

The city is giant and bustling and loud... but in spite of this there is a tranquil feeling as well. The architecture is amazingly interesting. I've walked on both the widest and narrowest streets I've ever seen so far in my life. There are people everywhere.... all different shapes and sizes and colors and ages. It is a fascinating place to walk down the street.

Upon arrival at the hostel I met a very eccentric (but harmless) guy from Columbia who suggested that we take a walk to Puerto Madero to check out the Reserva Ecologica Costanera Sur, of which we only saw a small portion. It's definitely a place I want to go back to explore in more depth. We bought a couple Quillmes (a popular Argentine beer) and sat in a beautiful public park that is part of the reserve. On the way back to the hostel we stopped at a food stand and split a Choripan (chorizo sandwich) which was delicious. The best thing that I've eaten here so far.

After returning to the hostel and a much needed shower, I met up with a fellow San Diegan who now lives here and who I had been introduced to by a mutual friend. We had steak dinner at a small local restaurant and then some drinks at a fun and busy bar called La Puerta Roja. We then stopped to have a few more drinks at a place called Plaza Dorrego....a large open air square surrounded by coffee shops, bars, and pubs. There was a live blues band playing when we arrived, and once they Tango music began and a couple performed Tango dance. It was beautiful and the vibe was pure magic.We then headed back to  La Puerta Roja ending the night with one of the most interesting and strangely addicting shots called "Chili Bombs", which are apparently unique to this bar. They infuse every day vodka with ground up jalapeno juice and pieces. The shot of jalapeno vodka is dropped into a cup filled half way with some kind of energy drink. It was shockingly spicy and weirdly exhilarating. Overall my first day here was full and pretty much perfect!

My hostel stay has been a bit rocky, but overall I'm trying to go with the flow and not let things upset me too much. I've met some cool people here and really you can't beat a hostel that serves beer in the lobby. The  food in Buenos Aires has been mediocre which is disappointing....but I'm hoping for some better meals in the near future. I haven't seen or done too much exciting in the last couple days... alot of just walking around the city and chilling out. I look forward to doing some fun sightseeing in the next couple of days. On my list of things to do next: La Recoleta Cemetary and Feria San Pedro Telmo.

Until next time...Ciao!


November 19, 2011

1 comment:

  1. aahhh, sounds perfect. Enjoy the slower pace of life and be safe. Love you
